In 2019, Irene, a Dutch quilter, partnered with Bernina for her Sugaridoo Bernina Quiltalong. The links, patterns, and YouTube videos are still there, so if this catches your eye, dive right in.

I loved the bold, modern row-by-row pattern.
As is typical for my quilting, I sewed a couple of rows of the quilt, and then set it aside. I remember something happened in 2020 . . . hmmm, what was that? I did spend a lot of time quilting and sewing during the pandemic. But, I didn’t get back to the Sugaridoo Bernina Quiltalong until recently.

Thankfully, I’ve been a steady user of Evernote for years, and I keep all my quilt patterns, instructions, and links to projects stored in Evernote. So, when I ran across the rows recently, and decided to work on the project again, I fired up Evernote to find links to the pattern for each row.
Will I finish the quilt now? Who knows. I tend to have quilting ADHD. I jump from one project to the next to the next. I’ve told several quilting friends that my dream studio would be big enough to have multiple work tables with a project spread out on each table. I could work on whichever project caught my attention that day.
You should know that Irene has a brand-new partnership with Bernina for her Between The Lines quiltalong.

If this image intrigues you, then dive into the Between The Lines quiltalong.
Here are some more photos of my work on the original Sugaridoo Bernina quiltalong.